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My Life Is A Zoo

This is where I will post interesting (or not so interesting) things that happen in my life. The subject matter will include any random things that I decide to put in (including animals, my work, my hobbies and my family).

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I hate it when I run out of yarn for a project...I'm so close to being done with my B4 Bag but, yep, I ran out of yarn. I decided to make the I-cords a little longer for the handle and just didn't have enough yarn. I'm now off to find more of the yarn so that I can finish 1 1/2 I-cords...

All I want to do right now is felt it and show it off! I had hoped to have it finished by Friday so I could take it to the dog show with me but, alas, that is not to be...Oh well...It's not like I don't have other things I can be knitting. I mean, I do have two other projects (actually, I think 3 other projects...) on the needles and several waiting in the wings. I just wanted to be done with this one. Oh well. It's still appears to be turning out nicely and I can't wait to do another one!


Blogger Phyllis said...

Susan, I have some charcoal Lamb's Pride Bulky left over from my skully sweater. Would you like a skein? It's just taking up space in my stash at the moment.

9:20 PM  
Blogger Crowzma said...

I love all of us who have stashes of yarn. And I love the bag, Susan. I do think I'm going to have to try one myself.

We want pictures from all angles when you're done.

6:42 AM  
Blogger sibtigre2 said...

But of course Ginny!

9:25 AM  

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