What others are saying about Barbaro
Since I doubt I'll have access to every single piece of info regarding Barbaro and his current status, here are several other blogs I found that are posting (or have posted) about Barbaro, in case anyone else is interested. I am in no way affiliated with any of these. I just wanted people to be able to see what other people are saying. I've also included links to some websites.
Boulder Belt Farm
Our Beloved Angels <--This one is actually a pet loss support journal.
My Own Planet <--This one has some nice photos of him.
Hoofblog: Hoofcare and Lameness Journal
I really like the last one. Plus, it looks like it will be the one most likely to continue with updates.
The Preakness Stakes website also appears to be posting updates. Also, the Baltimore Sun, a major Maryland newspaper, is another good source for news articles regarding Barbaro. That link will take you directly to their horse racing section.
Keep praying, thinking good thoughts, sending zen or whatever that Barbaro recovers from surgery just fine.
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