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My Life Is A Zoo

This is where I will post interesting (or not so interesting) things that happen in my life. The subject matter will include any random things that I decide to put in (including animals, my work, my hobbies and my family).

Friday, May 30, 2008

Fundraiser for Ridgebacks

Ridgeback Trust Inc (RTI) is a group that rescues "at risk" Ridgebacks. They have saved hundreds of dogs in the 10 years they have been in existence. I have personally rehabbed two of the dogs they have saved. Dogs that would not be here without RTI. These two auctions are their major fundraisers for the year. If you are so inclined, please check them out. :) To learn more about RTI please visit their website: http://www.rrsatrisk.org/

And here is the link to the first auction is:

You can view the items after the auction begins using this link http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZridgebacktrust
Or go to www.ebay.com and type ?ridgebacktrust? in the search box


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