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My Life Is A Zoo

This is where I will post interesting (or not so interesting) things that happen in my life. The subject matter will include any random things that I decide to put in (including animals, my work, my hobbies and my family).

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The loss of a keeper and the loss of a cat...

My condolences to the family and friends of the zoo keeper who was killed by the jaguar yesterday at the Denver Zoo. My condolences as well to the Denver Zoo community as a whole.

If you wish to see the Denver Zoo's press releases go here: http://www.denverzoo.org/about/news.asp

They are all posted on their site.

This is a double tragedy. Jorge, the jaguar, was an import from the Santa Cruz Zoo in Bolivia. His genetics were not represented at all in the US captive populate. Not only did we lose a zoo keeper and a beautiful cat, but we also lost the chance to introduce a new bloodline in the captive jaguar population in the US.

Everyone...Please please please be careful.


Blogger Crowzma said...

I'd read about this. What a terrible tragedy for everyone involved. Be careful!!

3:40 PM  
Blogger sibtigre2 said...

Oh, I will. Don't worry. These kind of things always makes us stop and think and then stop and think again.

4:17 PM  
Blogger TutleyMutley said...

You're right. A double tragedy.
It brings home all that emergency training!

5:48 AM  
Blogger Knatolee said...

This was such a sad story. I thought about you when I first heard about it. :(

9:45 AM  

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