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My Life Is A Zoo

This is where I will post interesting (or not so interesting) things that happen in my life. The subject matter will include any random things that I decide to put in (including animals, my work, my hobbies and my family).

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Lindi, Celesto and Jonathan

Here are some pictures of our Pride:

Jonathan, Celesto, Lindi

And you would be looking at ... what?

I'm ignoring you.....

Celesto - getting ready to cause trouble...

Celesto - the only time she's *not* getting into trouble...

Jonathan - looking handsome...

Lindi - relaxed...


Blogger Crowzma said...

Awesome trio. Just awesome. And the tiger shots and videos are marvelous.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

They're so beautiful! I see some of those expressions on my cats faces. Good thing mine are a lot smaller (lol) You know what they say... "Dogs have owners, cats have staff!" Thanks for the pics!

7:35 PM  
Blogger sibtigre2 said...

Thank you Crowzma. I've got more video to post, just haven't gotten there yet...

And yes, Wendy, Cats definitely have staff! :)

9:05 PM  
Blogger TutleyMutley said...

Are they all friends now then? Having worked my way through your fascinating blog - last I read the girls were still spurning Jonathan?

5:38 AM  

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